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The information Makoto ReikiDo collects about you helps keep up to date details about your Reiki treatment and care needs, so we can care for you in best possible way.

We respect your privacy by:

  1. Only keeping information that is relevant to your needs
  2. Storing information securely
  3. Only sharing information with your permission or if required by law
  4. Telling you how you can access your information
  5. Providing a copy of your record if requested and making corrections if needed

For more information:


Your feedback is important to help us improve our services and to provide the highest quality of care.

If you have a compliment, complaint, idea or suggestion, you can share your feedback in the follow ways:

  1. Complete the online Get In Touch form on the contact page of the website
  2. Email:
  3. Make a time to discuss your feedback

Professional Practice

Code of Conduct Victoria

National Code of Conduct – National-Code-of-Conduct-FAQ-2015

Code of Ethics – IICT-Code-Of-Ethics-2022 (1)

Makoto ReikiDo Complies with:

  1. IICT member
  2. IICT Policy’s
  3. Insurance
  4. Police Check
  5. Working with Children’s Check
  6. Code of ethics
  7. Code of conduct