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Spiritual Blessing


The process of spiritual blessing in the system of Reiki is commonly referred to as Reiju, which means initiation into practice or attunement to their life force energy. Having conducted many such blessings my view of the process has significantly changed. In fact, no longer do I use the words initiation or attunement. In the Makoto ReikiDo lineage empowerment is the preferred language.


Its all a play on words, I know but it’s what’s at the root of the practice that is important. There is an incredible interplay in a Reiki blessing process or empowerment. Its likened to beautiful dance between the teacher, student and healing more broadly. There is an unfolding, an opening and an expansive connection which is just beautiful.

The empowerment brings alive the system of Reiki in one process. There is dynamic  interplay with the creation of a safe space for the student to be open enough that they allow themselves to connect with what is innately theirs. Therefore, drawing on natural Ki and glimpsing under the veil of what clouds their reality.

Beyond what seems to be the teacher and the student in action is but a tiny aspect of the process. There is a far greater effect occurring on an energetic level. The energetic potential of healing pervades everything.

Holding space

The holding of a space for the student is so unique it allows the the natural drawing of exactly the right amount of Ki that is needed at that moment. Hence, everyone’s experience is so different. The preparation of the space is both energetic and spiritual in nature and appropriate for the students and the relationship that has unfolded through the Reiki journey.

For the teacher the blessing process is to immerse in deep practice. Therefore, there is no attachment to an outcome, no clinging to the “I” in the process, simply being in the dance, a gift, a blessing.

There is a letting go of a mind of distractions such as anger, worry and fear with nothing to arise other than the simple space of “beingness”. Its in this space that the Reiki Master generates a heart/mind of loving kindness and compassion for all beings which motivates a genuine space for healing.

Unfolding of the precepts

The precepts of just for today do not worry, do not anger, be grateful, practice diligently and be kind to every living thing simply fall into each other. The spiritual blessing process embodies the true essence of the Reiki precepts in every way.

Reflection words:

  • No giving, no receiving
  • Natural nature
  • True potential
  • Rediscovery
  • Beingness
  • Energy
  • Pervasive nature


Makoto ReikiDo March 2020